Posted by & filed under Productivity.

Here are the best, hand picked pieces of content from last few days

Best picks

15 Ways You Are Wasting Time During the Day (And How to Stop)

Do you ever feel like you just don’t have enough time? Are you always rushing from one responsibility to the next with no time for yourself? Do you just have the feeling that you are wasting time?

Read full article ⟩⟩ from Anna Johansson

7 Ideas to Implement a Calming Evening Routine

In my previous corporate life, I lived life at light speed and in complete chaos for sixteen years. I felt I never had time for the good things I knew I “should” be doing. But running at light speed and neglecting self-care eventually catches up with you.

Read full article ⟩⟩ from Michelle Summerfield

How to Kick Procrastination and Get Sh*t Done in Five Seconds

When you allow yourself to see what will go right, you give yourself the opportunity to imagine your ideal future fully and react to it. The excited energy that comes as you think about your possibilities will let you know what you really want.

Read full article ⟩⟩ from Johannah Bogart

What’s new ?

I’ve recently introduced the B2B version of Tasklog called Tasklog for Teams. It is aimed at small (remote) teams and companies.

Interested? Check it out.

Also, Tasklog has it’s own Facebook page now.
